Do you want an amazing relationship with your dog?

If you are living in canine-created chaos, let us help!

  • Does your dog embarrass you, both at home and in public?

  • Does he bark at guests, pull on the leash, and jump up?

  • Do you wish you had a dog that you could live happily and peacefully with?

  • Do you want a dog that your friends compliment all the time?

Great News for You!

The Rational Dog offers programs that are specially designed to teach you, your family, and your dog everything you need to know for a calm and happy relationship with your dog, so that you can finally have the best friend you’ve been looking for! We offer courses in everything from general relationship building to complex behavior training, to help you get your dog trained and you out of that chaos you've been living with.
A child and well-trained dog look over the water together.

Our Courses

From general relationship building, to specific behaviors, our courses are here to make sure you and your dog are on the right track to live happily and peacefully together!

Ready for a well trained dog?

Head on over to our Courses page to get an in-depth view of our courses, and see what's right for your family!